Grand evening beloveds!!! I hope you've enjoyed your Friday thus far. As we end this week and run straight into the weekend let our vibe be one of both "Gratefulness and Peace." Often we're always looking or working towards what's next or towards something that we feel maybe better instead of showing gratitude to what we're blessed with presently. This weekend be grateful for all that has fallen apart and or left you. Because what's not meant for you can't stay with you and what's falling apart before your eyes is actually falling TOGETHER behind the scenes on your behalf. Gratitude makes way for peace to constantly abound in you. Know that this does not mean that storms won't come but whether that you'll be able to withstand it because your Gratefulness and peace have given you the faith(tools) to preserve.
Manifesting Mondays and our bi-weekly live chat will be back this Monday on the "30 Some and Verging" Facebook page.
Love & Light,