Hello beloved! I hope that everyone's Friday has been fantastic! Today's vibe is vision and time! What's your vision for your life and family? Did it all happen as planned? Has it happened at? Having a vision, making it plain and finding ways to see it through at all costs requires a Faith that says, "It'll happen in it's time as long as I can envision it!" Keeping our vision and honoring divine time is the key.
Join me at 7:30pm tonight on either the "30 Something and Verging" Facebook or Instagram for our bi-weekly live chat!!!
Here's the Instagram!!! I'm on Instagram as @www_akilah_miles_com. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=11zjd0hh3q5ng&utm_content=qqa28
Love and Light,