Good morning Gents and Gems!!! Today's message is "Share what you want and feel." Often times we get caught up in people pleasing. And truth be told the person we need to please the most is ourself. Am I saying don't be good to people? Of course not! However, I am saying that neither of you( yourself or the people you're attempting to please) can drink from an empty cup!
Today, get real with yourself. Take a few minutes and reflect on those things that you really want and feel. Now, stand in that. We MUST remember that to fully manifest our dreams and goals we MUST be both authentically and unapologetically oneself.
And if those around you can no longer breathe the new air around you then remember seasons are changing and it may be time for some people to "Fall" off.
Join me this afternoon @ 2pm for our biweekly live chat on the "30 Something and Verging" Facebook page!!!
Love and Light,