Hello Gents and Gems!!! It's the most wonderful time of the year!!! December is my favorite month. And normally throughout December right
up to Jan 1 we create a list of things that we either want to start, work on or change. And there's nothing wrong with that but what if you changed your thinking? What if after reflecting over your day, a decision, a choice or etc you decided that no matter what if you see tomorrow it will be better.
I remember saying to both my students and friends that "each day we get the opportunity to start new and be different." We don't have to stay in bad situations but we must learn the lesson before we reap of the blessings. Everyday we all have the opportunity to manifest what we want.
So, intstead of waiting for the perfect time or the start of 2021 start today.
Join me tonight at 8:30pm for our biweekly live chat on "30 Something and Verging" Facebook page. Let's talk about reinventing ourselves before 2021!!! Because if God didn't do anything else in the year 2020 he made the vision of what's happening in our lives clear.
Love and Light,