Hello beloveds! I pray that you have had an astounding start to your day! Today's vibe is CALMNESS while EXPECTING( Awaiting) the Best!!! Our daily lives are filled with both beautiful and disastrous highs and lows. On both ends of the spectrum we either need to be calm enough to relish & receive the beauty. Or calm enough to use and understand the disaster. By being able to do both, we have the opportunity to grow and glow. CALMNESS allows you to see, hear, feel, and think things with clarity. Your CALMNESS allows you to vibrate with the highest version of you. This same CALMNESS pushes you to always EXPECT the best. Through calmness and expecting the BEST, you are a walking breathing Bible verse . Because at the epicenter of these two concepts is knowing that " ...all things work together for (your/our) good...."
Join me next Monday for our bi-weekly live chat on the "30 Something and Verging" Facebook page.
Love and Light,