We're not on the same vibration. I'm a fulfilled Woman busy manifesting my dreams. #HeKeepsTakingMeHigherAndHigher
Often we get so caught up in the day to day matrix of life that we forget to take a step back and look at the entire scheme of things. Life is not just happening for you. It's also happening for those around us and if we do right by those we encounter or claim to love then everything we touch will move in our favor. Do right by yourself and others and watch how God moves those things that mean you no earthly good right out off your path. So, don't let anyone knock you off of your square. If they don't play an intricate part in the grand scheme of your life just keep vibration higher and higher. When you've stepped into your calling, there's no time to waste on frivolous infractions.
Love and Light,
You left off the f in often... check it before anyone sees it.